Privacy Policy for Mobile Applications

This privacy policy outlines the usage of mobile applications created and maintained by Samo Technologies:

What information does the application collect and how is it used?

User-provided information:

The application requires registration with Vitesse for user verification and usage. Users are required to maintain an account on the App Store and Google Play Store to download the applications.

Automatically collected information:

Additionally, the application may automatically collect other types of information, such as mobile device type, user's country, IP address, mobile device operating system, and information about how the application is used.

Does the application obtain accurate and real-time device information?

The application collects accurate and real-time location or camera information from the device for sending photos to Vitesse.

Can third parties access the information obtained by the application?

Samo Technologies may share the information provided by the user or collected automatically in the following cases:

When required by law.
When the company deems it necessary to protect security, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request.
With providers working on our behalf who have agreed to adhere to the rules set forth in this privacy policy.
With clients who have requested Samo Technologies to develop an application that has been published by us.

Automatic data collection and advertising

Samo Technologies currently does not work with external companies to collect data for their use.

Applications developed by Samo Technologies that collect information about users (upon user's prior request) such as name, email, or phone number transmit the information via HTTPS protocol. This information is solely used to validate user participation in special offers or services accessed through the application, and the data will not be shared or sold to third parties.

Information will be collected solely for authentication purposes with Google, Facebook, and Apple, but it will not be used or disclosed to third parties at any time.

Data retention and handling policy

Samo Technologies will retain user-provided and automatically collected data indefinitely for the proper usage of the application.


At Samo Technologies, we care about safeguarding user information confidentiality. We have necessary measures in place to achieve this goal. Access to this information is limited to authorized employees and contractors who need to know such information to operate, develop, or improve our applications.


This Privacy Policy may be updated as deemed appropriate. We will notify you of any changes to our privacy policy by posting the new privacy policy on this page.